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Because the real Opiate of the Asses goes by the name "Ego" now. Fuck you.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I'm Pro Marijuana legalization but Anti Drug users

I have a lot of principles I try to uphold. One of those principles is the freedom of personal choice. In the words of Bill Hicks "It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal choice." I find it ludicrous that alcohol is legal while Marijuana is not. Alcohol causes more deaths than AIDS or Tuberculosis, and is linked with domestic violence.  On the other hand, there is NOT ONE death related to marijuana. One study shows that you would have to smoke a few thousand joints in the space of 10 minutes in order to attain an overdose in THC. Marijuana has a relaxing effect on the mind, and while some studies show that it is mentally addictive, it is far less addictive than nicotine or alcohol. Cannabis is far less dangerous than other LEGAL drugs around.

Every single pothead I've met is either a moron or a douchebag. I would be completely fine with marijuana legalization if it wasn't for those arrogant asshats. They feel all high and mighty because they're doped out. I've seen crackheads thinking they're Gandhi because they think smoking a joint is "civil disobedience". I have yet to meet a smart crackhead. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place but the only ones I know are either dropouts or have a GPA of 1.5. 

You morons frustrate me beyond belief. If you're wondering why marijuana is illegal, here's your answer: 

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