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Because the real Opiate of the Asses goes by the name "Ego" now. Fuck you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Your life is fucking perfect. Shut the fuck up

The fact that you are reading this right now means that you are better off than at least 65% of the world. Why? 65% of the world has no internet access. If you have ten dollars in your pocket, you are part of the richest 25% of the world. Ten dollars. There are people in that other 75 percent that would kill for ten dollars.

If you think you have problems, you don't. You have a roof over your head, a family that loves you despite you being a spoiled brat, a comfortable space to sleep, access to unlimited knowledge on the internet, and education. Most of the world is far worse off than you are, they have things to complain about, you don't.

You can say it's all a matter of perspective, and in some cases it is. Having a huge test that you haven't prepared for is a pretty serious first world problem. Having your freedom of speech and freedom of press taken away by the government is arguably a fairly serious second world problem. Those are things that you can complain about. However, you probably don't complain about these things because you find more frivolous things to complain about. Things like "I hate my parents, they never give me anything I want" while texting on an iPhone 5 that your parents just got you. Things like "I've suffered so much, I can't take this anymore, I am calamity", when you're only 15.

Shut. The fuck. Up.

Be grateful for what you have for once in your pathetic life. Realize that your life is great and damn well worth living, so live it instead of wasting it away in your arrogant little cycle of self pity. It helps no one, not even yourself. You want attention? A better way than being a self-loathing whore is getting out and doing things for other people. If you want attention, make a name for yourself by improving the world. Sure it'll be for all the wrong reasons, but at least you'll contribute to society, and maybe you'll get some sense through your fog of imagined depression.  Take some goddamn initiative and make the world a better place so other people can be grateful for living. You have been born into privilege, so stop bitching and use that privilege.

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