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Because the real Opiate of the Asses goes by the name "Ego" now. Fuck you.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Fuck You Peter Singer

Today I came across an old article from the New York Times dated September 5th, 1999. It was called The Singer Solution to World Poverty. At first it seems it's for a good cause, but it quickly turns into a bigoted, insulting, hypocritical and narrow-minded rant on how everyone is a terrible fucking monster for not donating every penny they've ever made to charity. His entire premise is the idea that every penny you make that doesn't go towards necessities for life should go to charity. He makes several arguments trying to guilt his readers into donating to charities. He uses tactics like false dilemmas and incredibly implausible and unrelated arguments like choosing between a child a sports car or having children's organs harvested for a TV.

Let's start here. Say we do what Peter Singer proposes. We donate all the money we make that we would otherwise spend on luxuries. Well, that felt good, look my neighbors are doing it too, looks like the whole nation just donated all of their luxury money to UNICEF  How great! Now we can rest in peace knowing we did the right thing. I'm kind of hungry, let's go to the bank to take out some necessity money for food. Oh shit, the bank is closed. Oh shit, all the banks are closed. Oh shit, the entire fucking economy is absolutely demolished because nobody spends anything other than the bare necessities. Now everyone's still in poverty,  UNICEF can't buy any more medicine or food because the dollar has collapsed and there's no one left in the US that makes medicine anymore, because the entire economy is gone.

Nobody wins, everybody lives in poverty, the world is set back decades in terms of technology and development because of some dumbfuck that thought this would actually work.

People have the right to buy what they want, they have the right to choose how they spend their hard-earned money (notice I said "hard-earned". Fuck mega-corporation CEOs). You can't force people to give away everything they don't spend on necessities on charities. If you do, you end up with a situation not dissimilar to the Soviet Union, where you're expected to work hard for no real, tangible gratification, you're just a cog in society.

We need to buy luxuries to keep the economy running. The economy isn't just this big machine that manufactures money, it's a series of tubes that circulates money. It's the entire cardiovascular system the the nation. If you start taking too much money out of the system, the system starts to die. We can take out a little, like donating blood, before allowing the money to replenish a bit and balance out from the other world economies.

Besides, just donating money is just treating the symptom instead of the problem. It's like giving blood transfusions to someone with a massive wound that won't stop bleeding. If we're going to fix third world countries, it has to be by establishing a powerful foundation for a successful society by building infrastructure like schools, hospitals and farms instead of just buying the things they produce. They need to be able to prosper autonomously before any real progress out of the third and second world can be made. Everyone knows the old saying, "Catch a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime." They need some sort of industry that brings in a substantial amount of money into their country, something solid and constant. Turns out there already are a lot of these things in third world countries, minus the solid income. Mega corporations like Nike or Apple that take advantage of third world labor laws and child labor. The infrastructure is there, it's just that these greedy assholes don't pay the workers enough. They're mega corporations, they have the money to do this, but they don't because of greed. If they were to pay third world workers even half of the US minimum wage, things there would start to improve because they would have money to spend. Money to spend on school, food, housing, and luxuries. They would have money to store in banks and to spend on whatever they wanted. They would have enough money for an economy, and therefore, progress.

So let's create economies instead of destroying them Peter Singer. Or maybe we should kill some disabled babies instead. Babies that could end up being geniuses like Rain Man or write books like The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. The issue of abortion is a woman's control over her own body. Once the baby is born, it's no longer an issue with her body, now it's the baby's body. You are literally killing innocence that could become something great, no longer because the mother doesn't want to go through the extremely painful and stressful process of having a child, but because it's disabled. Here you are talking about "Let's save these poor third world country children, it's not their fault they were born into poverty", yet somehow it's the child's fault if they're born disabled. Fucking hypocrite.

When I was discussing this with some friends, it was brought up that the original article could be intentionally bigoted and over-the-top to guilt us into donating. If so, it didn't work. It actually made me not want to donate just to spite this guy who's arrogant enough to think that would work. You see this 200 dollars I could spend on charity? I'm going to buy a new graphics card instead because of your self-righteous and pretentious douchebaggery. I thought you were a "utilitarian" Singer, and consequences are the only thing that matters. What about the consequences of intentionally writing a bigoted piece of bullshit and insulting your readers enough that they lose any motivation to "be a good person" in an effort to spite you.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't donate to charities, I'm saying don't do it because of this dumbass. Do it because it's the right thing to do. The purpose of this post is not to discourage you from donating to charity, but to consider alternate solutions that might be more effective, and to point out what a fucking moron Peter Singer is.

The New York Times opens his article by describing him as:
"A contentious ethicist explains why your taste for foie gras is starving children."

I'm pretty sure they misspelled "pretentious".


  1. Most of the arguments you make are invalid, and don't really argue Singer's claims. Although I agree with you on the point that donating is merely treating the symptoms- however donated money can go for institutions such as schools, hospitals, which can empower people and make them better able to work/fight for a higher standard of living. You can't just shift the burden of action from yourself to the "mega-corporations". From the perspective of the poorest people, there is no difference between you not willing to give away your "hard earned money" and the corporations' CEO to give away his "hard earned money".

    Singer isn't trying to make people feel guilty, he wants people to do the right thing- which is donate to charity. But somehow you miss that point altogether. Why do you think Singer would want you to feel guilty?

    1. Petey is your classic elitist hypocrite. $30k huh? I bet he has more in his account. I bet he has a nicer watch than what is required. Do as I say not as I do huh Petey?

  2. I never said you shouldn't donate, and I wasn't arguing Singer's claims, I was calling him out on the gall and stupidity of that article. Just because something is for a good cause doesn't mean it can't be idiotic.

    The perspective of the poorest people isn't the most accurate, just as our perspective isn't either. I was a proposing a solution that would be more effective than just donating. Everyone should do their part and donate, but the hypocrisy of big corporations is that the corporation, or the CEO might donate to charity, but they're doing strictly for public relations, when they have the opportunity to actually improve conditions there.

    Singer does want us to do the right thing, but he's trying to get us to do the right thing by making us feel guilty. Take this part for example

    "In the end, what is the ethical distinction between a Brazilian who sells a homeless child to organ peddlers and an American who already has a TV and upgrades to a better one —knowing that the money could be donated to an organization that would use it to save the lives of kids in need?"

    How is this not a guilt tactic? Did you read the article at all? Yes the point was to get people to donate, but the tactic is purely guilt.

    And I reiterate, the point of this post is not to discourage people from donating, everyone SHOULD donate. I'm just pointing out that Peter Singer has his head up his ass.

  3. There is nothing wrong with the philosophy that Singer puts out, it's a pure Utilitarian argument even on the case of killing a disabled child. You may have a problem with his philosophy, but it's a valid argument. he's not a politician so he wont typically add a hedonistic sense to what he says or believes to please people that don't understand philosophy. The fact of the matter is that his stances do help more people than hurt. I hope you can understand that all at the core of the situation.
    You also note that it would ruin the economy, by taking money out. That's almost an invalid argument. The only thing it'd do was lower inflation thus driving prices of commodities down. You're taking his theory and preforming a decent Straw man argument, but in reality even if his philosophy was taken as absolute truth, you would see people not following it keeping the economy in a more stable state. It's a simple case of the Prisoners Dilemma, thus in reality going right back to normal because people would look at it as "unfair". The truth is charity will always be for the few virtuous people that want to do good.
    I like your post it's well written, but I think you could tackle a philosophical article in a better way than simply saying "If everyone was to donate the economy would collapse.".

  4. If everyone donated money, the economy would not collapse, yes it would drive inflation down, yes it would be great for everyone. Donating is a good thing to do. Donating is the moral thing to do. However, donating every single penny you don't spend on necessities, and outright stop buying anything that could be considered a luxury is really fucking stupid. THAT is what Peter Singer is suggesting. I never said you shouldn't donate, but Singer's so called "solution" isn't a solution at all.

    How do you even define what is a necessity, and what is a luxury? Foie Gras is definitely a luxury, and food shelter and water are definitely necessities, but what about toilet paper? You don't NEED toilet paper to survive, but it is very inconvenient and unsanitary not to use it. What about a phone? Is that a necessity? It could save your life in case you ever need to call 911. What about a computer? It'd be difficult to be successful in today's world without something for word processing, so it could be considered a 1st world necessity.

    My point here is, yes donating is the moral choice and everyone should do it, but there are better solutions than donating every penny you don't "need". Singer doesn't even consider the gray area between "necessity" and "luxury", he just insultingly spews out "donate all your luxury money and the world will be fixed." He over simplifies it, and writes a single-minded article that doesn't take any other viewpoint into consideration.

  5. The example he gave of a $50,000 income household needing only $30,000 is amazingly accurate if you think $30,000 isn't enough to live off then that must mean I'm in a whole shit of trouble being under the poverty line (In US standards). Take into account that the world poverty line is around $0.25 annually. In all honesty you're nit picking at a philosophy that's one of the major two. The only question you should be asking about that article would be "If I live off only what's needed and give the rest to charity am I helping more people than hurting?" And the answer is yes. So his point is valid from a utilitarian standpoint, I feel like you're going to the point of ignoring the only philosophical claim of Utilitarianism.

  6. I suppose you have a point, I do disagree with the Utilitarian philosophy, because I believe there are some things more important than pure usefulness. My main objections to the article are one, if what Singer is suggesting is implemented on a large scale, it would not work. Two, there are different solutions that might be more effective that we could explore, and three, if you want people to donate to charity, you don't need to write a pretentious, insulting article that will more than likely backfire instead of actually convince people to donate. His article is hardly Utilitarian at all.

  7. My biggest thing about this guy is that being a utilitarian doesn't give you an excuse to be a dick.

  8. I like your points, Opiate. I found a lot more flaws in the arguments of the two other posters than in yours. Ex: Clinton, did you read your world poverty statistic off of a snapple cap? The real figure is $1.25 DAILY, not $0.25 annually. Besides, do you really think that an American dollar buys the same standard of living in Somalia as it does here? The currency of most third world countries is so undervalued that even $.25 would buy a meal. I am so fucking sick of that illogical and sanctimonious argument from people who haven't been anywhere near the countries they are preaching to me about. Anyway, this Peter Singer guy is definitely bat shit crazy. He took solid philosophical reasoning and ran it through a meat grinder. He can go buttfuck his animals "with their consent" all day long if he wants, but the fact that he is a tenured faculty member at Princeton gives me great concern about this country's entire university system, much less the school that I will be attending in a few weeks.

    1. Yep, university is just a bunch of crap everywhere. All sodomites, paedophiles, rationalist killers, future igniters of genocide somewhere in the 3rd world etc are respected teachers that "revolutionized" the filed with more fallacious,dumb sophisms and innovatory false theories than in Bible itself! Come on, people, we are better without them and their pretentious writings!
