Blog News

Because the real Opiate of the Asses goes by the name "Ego" now. Fuck you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Apologies

I haven't posted in over a week, due to getting grounded and not really being able to use my computer. My progress on the game has been slowed indefinitely, I'm going to continue writing in Python because my laptop is being held hostage, and these awful school computers don't let me install Visual C++ express. As I continue to write this, more concepts are coming to mind, Titles and Achievements. Because C++ does not allow the storage of strings, the user is unable to input a name, therefore I will replace names with titles. What C++ also allows me to do, is include a save feature. When the game is released in .exe format, it will save your stats upon closing.


  1. My blog got blocked, haha. I'm going to ask where you managed to install Python successfully.

  2. My first post has the link, it's the NOT mediafire one.

    1. Well I downloaded it fine, but it doesn't let me install it on the school computers because it doesn't have the right firmware I guess. I'm just curious of how you got passed it? 106?
      Or just an older version of python?

    2. I brought the installer on a flash drive
