I'm an amateur programmer, I've been playing around with Python a lot. I currently know Visual Basic and the basics of C++. From my messing around came a DnD type game I call Arena. It's purely text based because I have a fetish for text based games. My friends seem to like it so I decided to make it available to the world, and I will track it's development through this blog. It's current version is called DnD test, because that's really what it is. It's very rudimentary, very simple. It also has a lot of inside jokes, including a couple secret enemies. You need the Python 3.2 to play it.
The download link can be found here.
Python Shell
The current version is DnD test 1.0
There's a long list of things I would like to add to it, mostly suggestions from friends. This is the current list of upcoming features, in order of priority, and how much time it will probably take
-Finishing all the items (gonna take many hours of work)
-Finishing the store (Maybe about an hour)
-Quests (with more items, solid 3 hours)
-More advanced class system with different attacks
-Monster Classes
-Strategy Guide
I'm always open to new suggestions
Also this is my friend's blogger, he writes short stories
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