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Because the real Opiate of the Asses goes by the name "Ego" now. Fuck you.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Bestiary

I'm currently working on the bestiary, the school internet doesn't let me access mediafire so I'm going to just copy and paste a section as a proof of concept.

print('Health: 100')
print('Damage: 25-80')
print('The goblin is a vile creature that makes its home in the swamplands.')
print('Highly territorial, small tribes of goblins are perpetually at war with')
print('nearly all nearby settlements. They are very slow witted, their culture')
print('glorifies war. Their intelligence lies somewhere between humans and apes')
print('as they are able to make simple tools and weapons. They are incredibly ')
print('weak, they live in fear of almost ever predator in the swamps. They hunt')
print('small animals and scavange the leftovers of other predators. Their stomach')
print('acid is very powerful, and they are able to digest nearly anything with few')
print('ill effects, if any. Their waxy skin is waterproof, but blisters easily if')
print('exposed to heat.')

This is a direct copy and paste from the source, I'll have one of these for each monster. Current priority list looks like:
-Finish Bestiary
-Create the class system
-Create the potion store
-Create quests

I also recently had an idea for Titles and Achievements, so that's something to look forward to.

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