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Because the real Opiate of the Asses goes by the name "Ego" now. Fuck you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You're not a man

The idea of "manhood" is being destroyed. Right off the bat, here's what a man should be able to do. He should be able to support himself  and a family, work on cars, make home improvements, and protect what he has built. The perfect man is someone who's built his life from the ground and is tough as nails. A real man could survive in the wilderness on his own for a week. Here's a picture of what a man should NOT be.

Let's take a look at what's wrong in this picture. 

1) Stylized hair. Real men don't give too much thought into their hair. They don't dye it, they don't style it. If they have long hair, it's usually pretty scruffy looking, if it's short hair, it's out of the way and less shits are given. 

2) Makeup. Eyeliner, blush, eye shadow, what have you. You look like a girl. A slutty insecure girl. Enough said.

3) Skinny as fuck.  People like this to fuck all in fights. People like this can't defend themselves for shit. It's no so much that they're usually out of shape fuckers, but it's more because they're scared of fucking everything. They act like girls when it comes to violence. They'd be scared of a fucking spider.

4) Emos try to be "deep", "edgy" and "mysterious", but end up looking like the faggot you see above. If you want "deep", read about quantum physics, study the Schrodinger's Cat experiment. That stuff is deep enough to keep you up at night for weeks.

I conclude this rant with the following. If any of these 4 things apply to you, man the fuck up and try to look like this:

"We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need."
-Tyler Durden, Fight Club

UPDATE 7/9/2012:

On self destruction, you're doing it wrong. Cutting yourself is not self destruction, it's a cry for attention. I'm all for self destruction if it's done RIGHT. Fight Club had the right idea, self destruction through violence. If you're going to go for self destruction, do it to work towards a goal; the goal of freeing yourself by hitting rock bottom. It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you to an extent, but while the stereotypical jacked, bearded, tree-hurling woodsman/brawler would have been ideal in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, to expand and build the glorious civilizations and societies of the 21st, now they've devolved into mutant orange fuckheads. We need males calm and neutral enough to actually be able to work in and help maintain the struggling society that we have.

    Additionally, you might want to rethink your perception of sex vs gender. A person can be born male with an entirely female mindset, desires, and personality. The reason that so many more feminine males may be appearing today may not entirely be the culture. These may be examples of innate qualities that were always present, but were stomped out by the MANSTRONGRAWR generations, and are just emerging now. You need to understand that we're human first and men second.

    Also, by your argument and opinion, I am forced to point out that raving about the inadequacies of today's males on a little-known corner of the internet where few will hear isn't exactly the MANLIEST way of dealing with the issue bro.
